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Secure payments
Nobody likes chasing money, so we secure customer payments upfront. When a task is marked complete, your bank account will know about it.
Skills can thrill
Never thought your knack for crocheting would be useful? Think again. We’re all about earning from unexpected skills at Airtasker.
Door Frame Installation tasks
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Work. Get paid. Quickly.
When tasks are complete, request for payment to be released and money will appear in your account instantly.
We've got you covered
Whether you’re a posting a task or completing a task, you can do both with the peace of mind that Airtasker is there to support.
Airtasker’s insurance coverPublic liability insurance
Airtasker Insurance covers you for any accidental injury to the customer or property damage whilst performing certain task activities
Top rated insurance
Airtasker Insurance is provided by Chubb Insurance Australia Limited, one of the world’s most reputable, stable and innovative insurance brands.
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