We’ve all been guilty of making unrealistic New Year resolutions such as “lose 10 kilograms” or “complete a marathon” but making resolutions that you’re unable to achieve without pure dedication is setting yourself up for fail.
Your resolutions should be something that is a challenge but not unattainable. Here are New Year resolutions that you shouldn’t make and alternative suggestions that you’ll be able to put a tick next to.
Saving Money
This isn’t a bad goal at all but it can be hard if you have credit card repayments that are about to hit in February and March. You need to be careful with your spending by cutting back on eating out and shopping, but you can also earn more by completing tasks on Airtasker so you don’t need to cut back your fabulous lifestyle too much 🙂 .
New resolution: Earn more
Long-term goals aren’t the culprits here, it’s the short-term goals which will be achieved and then you experience a ‘what’s next’ moment and fall in to bad patterns again. Instead make new habits that will change your way of living.
Regardless of what you want to achieve the 3 habits you will need to master are:
1. Set aside time to practice – wake up an hour earlier and put it in your calendar.
2. Do it – don’t procrastinate or make excuses.
3. Have fun- remember why your doing this and everything is working towards the bigger picture.
New resolution: Change habits
Career change
So you hate your job and your thinking the grass might be a little greener on the other side. Well it’s true it could be, but there is a smart way to find out if it’s where you want to go next.
By volunteering and completing tasks on Airtasker, you’ll be able to get great hands-on experience to see whether it’s for you. Plus it’s the perfect opportunity to network or better yet turn into a permanent job.
New resolution: Get experience
Shop less
This goes hand in hand with saving money, and it’s a struggle with the constant mid-season, end of season and new collections email blasts. But don’t worry you are not alone and it’s easy to get rid of temptation by unsubscribing to clothing stores and social media sites.
Better yet aside certain times to go shopping e.g. one hour before the shops close, by groceries before or after work, or treat yourself at the end of the month with a little kitty of money you’ve saved up.
New resolution: Shop smart
And there you have it, attainable New Year resolutions that you’ll be able to achieve by changing habits and still have a smile on your face.
P.s. I haven’t forgotten about loosing weight or quitting unhealthy habits, but we all secretly know near impossible to achieve without changing regular habits, so it’s best to start there.