Tips AU

10 Awesome Things You Can Make With Post-Its

By Tom Kell

Updated: April 15th, 2020

Here at Airtasker, we love Post-Its. We love everything they stand for: Organisation, productivity, innovation and inspiration. From their fabled "10 Awesome Things You Can Make With Post-Its"

Here at Airtasker, we love Post-Its. We love everything they stand for: Organisation, productivity, innovation and inspiration. From their fabled history as an accidental invention, the humble Post-It has become a cultural icon and an important staple in anyone’s stationery.

Here are some people who let their own inspiration run wild, discovering new ways to organise, decorate, and innovate with this unassuming office hero.

Wall Art

Pixelated Superheroes
Source: Twisted Sifter

Post-its are a versatile, removable source of colour that have inspired many the office maverick to create impressive, pixelly wall pieces.

Source: WebUrbanist
Source: The Mary Sue
Source: Gavetiero


Source: WebUrbanist

Unleash an explosion of colour onto your walls. Not your everyday wallpaper design, but hey… it won’t be around for long!

Source: DormStormer

A Mural

Source: My Modern Met

These massive murals were actually frames in a stop-motion video project created for Galleria Melissa in São Paulo, Brazil. The whole thing used over 350,000 Post-Its!

Source: My Modern Met

QR Codes

Source: DesignBoom

A Sculpture

Source: Wired

Fold it, roll it, stick it, stack it… the possibilities are endless for creating funky 3D art pieces.

Source: Clutter Magazine


Source: Instructables

A Calendar

Source: Martha Stewart

Keep up to date with this easy calendar that can grow and collapse as your schedule does. When the month is out, simply pull them off and start anew!

Source: Quora

New Identities For Train Commuters

Source: Reshareworthy

Twitter Celeb October Jones is definitely productive with his spare time, making new identities for unsuspecting train commuters using pens, Post-Its, and a wild sense of creativity.

Source: Reshareworthy
Source: Reshareworthy


Source: Coloribus

Regular clothes are for squares. Embrace your individuality and create a flappy, sticky outfit that’s totally you!

Source: 123Print

A Light Cover

Make a boring light the centre of attention with a few colourful Post-Its.

Source: Molly Gallagher

A Flower

Real flowers are so 2014… show that special person you care with a Post-It rose.

Source: Quora

A Massive, Colourful Mess

Source: Pasembur

This one may take a bit longer to set up, but, as you can see, the results are awesome.

Got any more creative ideas for Post-Its, let us know in the comments below.



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