How to declutter your home before moving

Read this guide and you'll find the whole moving process will be faster, easier, and cheaper.

How to declutter your home before moving

Let’s face it, not many of us are great with minimalism. Clutter seems to be attracted to us, and hoarding is more common than you think. That’s why moving house is the perfect time for a household purge. 

It forces you to go through all your possessions with a fine-tooth comb. You also have the big moving day deadline to work towards.

Keeping only the things you love and getting rid of those you no longer need help achieve a more streamlined life. 

It creates a home where you can find something more easily. You’ll also save time spent constantly tidying up piles of accumulated belongings.

An added bonus of decluttering your home right before moving is having fewer items to pack and transport. You’ll find the whole moving process will be faster, easier, and cheaper.

Keep, sell, throw

There are many tactics for a successful home purge. Some decluttering experts advocate the Four Box Method, where you go through each room in your home armed with separate boxes. One box is for things you want to keep, one to sell or give to charity, one to chuck, and one for items you’re still undecided about.

Others are devotees of the Japanese KonMari method, where you pick up each item you own and decide to keep it only if it “sparks joy” or if it is useful.

boxes for decluttering

There’s even “Swedish death cleaning”, a decluttering technique where you downsize your belongings in recognition of the stark fact that one day, you won’t be able to take anything with you and that your junk may just be a burden for your loved ones. But hey, if that’s too much for you, you might prefer to stick with the Four Box Method.

Whichever method you use, it’s always advisable to tackle one room at a time rather than attempting to declutter your whole house in one go. Give yourself enough time to ensure you don’t become overwhelmed with the magnitude of the job.

If you’re moving soon and want to get it all done quickly, consider looking for local cleaners in London to help with the decluttering process.

Seek help from a friend or professional organiser

More often than not, hoarding is caused by our psychological attachment to objects. Sometimes what you really need is an objective person to help you with the task of discerning trash from treasure. Consider hiring someone who can organise your belongings to make decluttering much easier.

organising closet

Your helper can undertake different tasks, like organising your DVD and CD libraries, rearranging your cupboards or reorganising your closet. You could also ask them to make trips to dispose of junk or drop off old clothes at your local charity shop.

Clean as you declutter

Sometimes, decluttering and reorganising your belongings can leave your home in disarray. Instead of worrying about the mess, why not have someone do the cleaning for you?

cleaning house for moving

Moving house is chaotic as it is, and a professional cleaner can give you one less thing to think about.

Once your home is tidy and organised after the decluttering session, you’ll find packing up for your move so much easier!


Looking for someone to help with decluttering before your move? Find a helpful Airtasker in your local area!

10 office hacks you need to know about

They might seem obvious - but these tips are the key to killer productivity.

10 office hacks you need to know about

Look around your desk right now. Is it organised chaos, or just plain chaos? A cluttered brain and a cluttered to-do list don’t do much for productivity.

Here are 10 genuinely useful office assistance hacks to help you get organised and do more.

1. Clean between keyboard keys with tape

There’s been a few different tests on this, but the consensus is your keyboard has over 3,000 more germs per square inch than an actual toilet seat.

Use some sticky tape to pick up crumbs and dust between the keys, then an antibacterial wipe to sort those germs out.

2. Stick time slots on your water bottle

Drinking 2 litres of water a day is a smart choice, but difficult to actually do. Get your refillable water bottle (which we’re sure you own because you care about plastic’s damaging impact on the environment), and mark 1-2 hour time slots on it.

You’ll know at a glance if your water drinking is behind schedule.

3. Choose a plant for your desk

Some desks are a bit sad and dreary, even in the most hipster of offices. According to the University of Exeter, plants can improve well-being by up to 47% and improve creativity by 45%.

Try a peace lily, bamboo, bonsai, or a succulent. The last one hardly needs watering.

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4. Learn keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts can help you a screenshot, change your font size, or drag an email back from the jaws of being sent too early.

While you’re learning them all, pin a handy chart to the wall in front of you. This cheat sheet is for both PCs and Macs. Soon though, they’ll become muscle memory.

5. Schedule time for emails

It’s estimated we spend over 2 hours a day reading and answering emails. That’s a bit disturbing when you think about how much office admin you can do in 2 whole hours.

Allocate a specific time of day for answering emails, rather than swapping between tasks and breaking concentration. For immediate stuff, there’s instant messaging or even a quick chat.

6. Tidy up leads and wires

There are lots of ways to keep cables out of view. Two of the simplest involve attaching bulldog clips or plastic picture hangers to the back of your desk. Just fix the wires to the desk legs, and feed down to the plug sockets.

If you want to go full Pinterest, label tab stickers to identify what each lead is for and where it’s plugged in.

7. Keep a notepad for ideas and reminders

Ideas can hit at any time, and please believe us when we say you will not remember them the next day. Buy a small notebook and jot down anything you want to remember or use later. It’s particularly useful when you’re on the phone and madly searching for a post-it.

When you’re stuck for inspiration, or just want to jog your memory, refer back to it.

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8. Ignore notifications. Temporarily…

If you really need to focus, you don’t need productivity apps or notification blockers. Just turn your phone to silent and put it face down in a drawer.

It feels strange at first, but push notifications continually distract us, and app developers keep giving us more and more to look at.

9. Stand up every hour

The NHS advise we “move more, sit less“. If you’re often at a desk, it could be slowing down your metabolism and weakening your muscles and bones gradually over time.

Stand up every hour, even just for a few minutes. Take calls on your feet, walk for 20 minutes at lunchtime, and park further away from the front door.

10. Remember, multitasking is a myth

It’s virtually impossible for a human to focus on more than 1 thing at once and do them both well. Our brain just switches between tasks quickly, pausing one and picking up the other.

Have a to-do list, do each task individually, and tick them off. You’ll work through it far faster.

If you still think you’re a good multitasker, Psychology Today created a fun test that demonstrates how much longer it takes to do 2 things at once.


We spend a lot of time in the office and at our desks. Make that time count and keep your admin to a minimum. Oh, and once again, drink more water.

Looking for help around the office? Find professional admin services on Airtasker. Also, if you’d like to know how much office cleaning costs, visit our office cleaning price guide.

How to organise your garage

Converting your garage into an efficient space isn’t an easy job. Check out our simple tips on how to start organising your garage.

How to organise your garage

How does your garage look right now? Messier than it should?

You’re not alone. Most people tend to use their garage for storing everything, and clutter builds up quickly and easily.

Luckily we’ve got some handy tips on how to organise your garage and make the most of the space.

If you need a hand with the garage organisation process, post a job on Airtasker to connect to friendly locals willing to help. Also, if you’d like to know how much does a garage conversion cost, visit our updated garage conversion price guide.

Converting your garage into a workable, efficient space isn’t a one-day job. It requires careful planning to figure out how to make the most for your space. Start by thinking about the best ways to organise your things.

A key element in your plan should be shelving. There are various options to choose from when it comes to garage shelving systems. You can choose from metal shelving, wire shelving, wall shelving, cube shelves, custom-made shelving systems, storage racks and the list goes on and on.

1. Metal, Wire & Mounted Shelving

This shelving system combines metal mounted shelves with a series of adjustable racks so you can custom fit it to your space. Invest in different sized tubs and bins to help you tuck away all the ad-hoc items lying around.

Garage 1Source: unclutterer

The next two shelving systems utilise the full space of the wall. You can add storage bins or wire baskets to store items, and also store longer pieces such as sporting equipment or tools.

Garage 2Source: simplyorganized

Garage 3Source: houzz

2. Industrial Shelving

Industrial shelving systems are often found in garages as they’re so versatile. You can also adjust these easily according to the amount of space available.

Garage 4Source: garage-shelving

3. Cube Shelves

Cube shelves can be deceiving as they don’t appear to hold much. But you’d be surprised how much you can pack into them using a variety of baskets or bins.

Garage 6Source: antiquefarmhouse

4. Storage Racks

Make use of all the spaces within your garage, including the ceiling. This innovative storage rack system enables you to tuck away all those bits and pieces you don’t use often but still need to access from time to time.

Have shelving or storage ideas to organise your garage?  Share your tips in the comments section below.  

Need a hand installing storage solutions in your garage or keen to know how much does a garage door cost? Use Airtasker to connect with handyman services in London today.