Mum on the run? Here are five hacks to steal back some extra time

Take the time to make more time.

Mum on the run? Here are five hacks to steal back some extra time

Being a Mum is rewarding, tiring, exciting and HECTIC. Between meal time, bath time, play time and for-the-love-of-god-please-don’t-stick-that-up-your-nose time, it’s rare you’re left with a whole load of you time. With that in mind, we hit up a few Mums on their top-tips for reclaiming some hours in the day.

Gamify everything

The image of the perfect family dinner is an easy one to envisage: your children are sitting quietly, patiently awaiting the delicious feast you’ve just effortlessly created – they’re ready to neatly devour your wares, politely thanking you with words, hugs and compliments of encouragement after they’re finished. Snap to reality: you’re wrestling your youngest (who is insistent on bringing their pet hamster to the table) into the chair, meanwhile your other little darling has decided that this exact moment is the optimum time to beat their already impressive ‘scream-as-loud-as-they-can’ personal best. But it doesn’t have to be this way.  Gamifying dinner (and anything around the house) is a great way to refocus your kids’ energy and save you a shed load of time in the process. Try a sticker board of dinner-steps, including anything from ‘washing your hands’ and ‘sitting at the table’, to ‘finishing your drink’ and ‘cleaning your plate’ – including a weekly leaderboard of stars for good behaviour. This can also work with bedtime and morning routines; an old concept, sure – but it works!

gamify dinner time

Photo: A Mother Far From Home.

Meal prep like a pro

Creative cooking is a luxury for people with time on their hands. That’s not an opinion, it’s a fact. Trying to feed yourself and your kids a balanced, interesting and healthy diet is doable, but inspiration can be hard to find when you’re up against it. A good tip to get round this is planning, prepping and recording. Sounds simple, but try to build up an arsenal of easy-weeknight recipes you know you can ace in under 30 mins, collate these together and then come back to them time and time again – saving experimenting with a newer dish for the weekend. Batch cooking and freezing get a special shout out here, and if you’ve got one, NEVER underestimate the ease of a slow cooker – those godsends are a lifeline to make the most of.

weeknight dinner hacks

Share the load (…while socialising)

The unique experience of being a parent often means you have to make changes to your social life, swapping out certain activities with a whole range of fun, but different social ventures. But why not socialise while looking after your kids? Not only is it a great use of your time, it’s also an awesome way to make like-minded friends in the same boat. Mush is a great app for connecting with local Mums on the same wavelength, for meet-ups, playdates…and even the odd gin and tonic if the day calls for it. (check out more info on them here).

Mush - sign up

Create a master (shopping) list

Shopping for yourself is a treat, but shopping for a household is a nightmare if you’re not organised. Whether you’re using an old school chalkboard, a bit of paper on the fridge, or just shouting at Alexa to add to your online shopping list – keep a tabs on things you need throughout the week, so that when you get to actually doing the weekly shop – you’re just topping up with extras. Basically, each time you run out of something or it pops into your head, add to the list. This tried and tested method is a great way to save time and to eliminate unnecessary food waste too.

Shopping List

Call in the calvary

Whether you’re balancing a full or part time job, or you’re a full time parent – your responsibilities outside of childcare don’t magically disappear after having children. And when it comes to housework, DIY and gardening – those messy little tykes can contribute to an ever-growing list pretty easily. Airtasker is a great tool for re-prioritising your time; whether it’s used to find regular help, or one-off Taskers to assist with bigger or more time-consuming jobs. You’ll find anything from cleaners, gardeners and handymen, to event magicians, language tutors and gift wrappers on the platform. Steal some hours back by strategically outsourcing your everyday tasks, and spend the extra time however the hell you want. (here are a few examples of how busy parents are already using us).

Cleaning Help

Need some inspiration? Check out this list of current tasks to see what types of jobs people are getting help with.


New parent’s guide to cleaning

We’ve got a guide to cover some essential ‘new parent cleaning’ tips!

New parent’s guide to cleaning

If you’re coming into parenthood or have just recently become a parent, you’re already aware of what an incredible experience you’re in for. You’ll settle into your new baby cleaning routine soon enough, but in the meantime, we’ve got a guide to cover some essential ‘new parent cleaning’ tips. For an extra hand, you can find plenty of affordable cleaning services in London.

Deodoriser for nappy bins

As cute as babies are,  they have a special way of making a stink. So how do you deal with the smell of spent nappies and wipes? Keep baby changing areas smelling nice and fresh by cleaning the nappy bucket with a homemade deodoriser. There are plenty of recipes for this that use everyday household products like baking soda.

How to sterilise a bottle

It’s widely recommended that you sterilise bottles before and after use, to ensure your baby is protected from unnecessary, harmful bacteria growth. One of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to sterilise items is to boil them.

To do this:

  • Disassemble and clean the items as you usually would.
  • Place them in a large saucepan with enough water to cover.
  • Bring to a rapid boil for at least 5 minutes.
  • Allow everything to cool, then carefully remove the bottle bits and drain. them dry on a sterile bottle drying rack or surface.
  • Store them safely for their next use.

You can use the same method for other items that’ll end up in your little one’s mouth, such as dummies.


cleaning baby bottles
Source: Lifefactory via Amazon

Cleaning cloth nappies

If you’ve chosen to go down the cloth nappy path, there are things you can do to ensure your baby has the cleanest, comfiest nappies around.

  1. First, before putting anything in the washing machine, you should remove any solids (flush it or bin it).
  2. Choose your detergent – you can help prevent rashes by using a sensitive skin detergent or by making your own using non-toxic, eco-friendly ingredients.
  3. Most parents swear by a hot wash, or two if needed.
  4. Hang on the line to dry, or pop in the clothes dryer if you have one to ensure they’re super sanitised and soft.

Stripping nappies

‘Stripping’ is a common term used to describe a method to get persistent stains out (urine, poop and even minerals from water). It involves soaking the offending nappies in a seriously hot tub of water mixed with a detergent appropriate to the material of the nappies. You generally soak the nappies for up to 8 hours or overnight, before draining the liquid and running them on a hot wash cycle.

cleaning cloth nappies
Source: Wikimedia

The easiest way to clean a high chair

High chairs + baby + meal time = a complete mess! You will find yourself constantly having to clean the high chair, the area around it, and potentially the room it sits in. Having an effective cleaning approach is a necessity. Multi-tasking while cleaning is a parenting win!

  1. Once your little one is done eating, use a warm, damp cloth to wipe as much gunk off the tray, chair, and everywhere that you can.
  2. Spray the tray, handles, harness, straps and seat with a cleaning product of your choice (commercial or homemade).
  3. Leave the chair for a minute or two
  4. Once the mess has softened a little, use a damp cloth with a splash of white vinegar to wipe away the mess and any residual product. It should come off easily (if not, repeat).

cleaning a highchair
Source: Pinterest

If you’d like some help cleaning when your baby arrives, find an Airtasker offering cleaning services in London.