Tips AU

Bathroom Cleaning Tips

Bathroom cleaning is a chore that no one wants to do, but unfortunately it must be done and regularly. There’s a lot of advice and tips available however there are a few alternative solutions that caught our eye. Some are chemical-free cleaning solutions and others pure genius with a pinch of wacky.

Here are the best Bathroom Cleaning Tips for you to consider when you do your bathroom in your next home clean:

1. Vinegar

It’s something you’ll find in every household kitchen and also one of the most popular alternatives as a chemical-free based cleaning product. It can be used by itself or mixed with other products, meaning less products you need to buy for your home to sparkle. To create a simple multi-purpose cleaner, in a spray bottle mix some white vinegar and a nice eucalyptus oil (to make it smell amazing) and voila you have a cheap product that can use on most surfaces throughout the house.

In the bathroom other than cleaning the surfaces, you can also clean your shower curtains with vinegar and no scrubbing or spraying of water involved. Just put the curtains in the washing machine, along with a bath towel and add a cup of vinegar in the rinse cycle.

2. Let’s get fruity

Fruit is not just for eating; you’ll regularly see it in homemade beauty regimes but we didn’t realise you can clean a bathroom too. It turns out citrus fruit can be used for a whole bunch of things.

Grapefruit: Along with some salt, cut a grapefruit in half and you have the perfect acidic bath tub scrub.
Lemon: Using the lemon juice it can get rid of difficult water stains on glass, tiles and taps.

And finally….

3. Coke toilet cleaner

Yes you read that correctly, you can use cocoa-cola to clean the toilet. Just pour it around the rim, let it sit for a good hour (or overnight), then brush and flush. Seems pretty simple, but be wary you could be left with a sugary sticky toilet so maybe just stick to the regular run-of-the-mill cleaning products instead.

So what did you think? Which one are you going to try next time?

Better yet, got another tip? Comment below and we’ll add it to the list.

Want some more cleaning tips? Check out our Top 5 Cleaning Tips or if you have a pesky stain, find out the myths and facts behind stain removal.

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