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15 Best seasonal jobs on Airtasker

If you are looking to supplement your income, there are plenty of ways to earn extra money these days—from starting your own gig to exploring side jobs. And, if you aren’t ready for a long-term opportunity, seasonal jobs may be perfect for you.

If you have extra time on your hands around the holidays, you can try out seasonal work that see high demand during these periods—yet don’t require any commitment the rest of the year. Read on for some suggestions on the best seasonal jobs on Airtasker you can sign up for.

Perks of getting a seasonal job

Seasonal work is a job that takes up only part of the year. A typical example is holiday jobs—though there are many opportunities during the summer and winter as well. Depending on what companies need, these jobs can be full-time, part-time, or even weekend-only.

People working seasonal gigs can earn more while having flexibility. Seasonal workers can choose jobs they’re interested in without needing to be tied up long-term while making the most of their time to maximize their earnings.

Seasonal jobs for summer & winter

Summer and winter seasons typically come with holiday breaks. Christmas and New Year’s holidays are also busy, so you’ll likely find good seasonal employment around this time.

1. Tutor

During the summertime, there can be a great demand for tutoring services. Students may need to catch up on subjects where they may have fallen behind or do advanced study for the upcoming school year. Tutors fill the gap between self-study and the need for full-time teachers. This might be a good option if you’re adept at a specific subject or are still studying.

2. Camp counselor

You can try to become a camp counselor for summer or winter youth programs, especially if you’re good with kids. This is another ideal holiday job for students. You’ll mostly be in charge of kids and engaging in activities such as sports, arts and crafts, and games.

3. Holiday driver

The holidays can be a busy time for package delivery companies. To meet these needs, they hire additional drivers that can help ensure packages reach their destinations safely. This can be one of the best seasonal jobs you can take up if you don’t mind hustling through traffic and transporting packages. You’ll need a driver’s license and a good driving record, and you should be willing to do some heavy lifting to apply for this job.

4. Sports coach

Coaching can be a great holiday career if you enjoy a particular sport; plus, it can help you develop mentoring and leadership skills. You can choose from sporting activities that typically see more activity depending on summer or winter seasons—ski lessons, surfing lessons, swimming lessons, coaching soccer teams, etc.

5. Tour guide

This can become a lucrative seasonal gig, especially if you live in or near a tourist area. You can show off your local know-how and charge fees for quick guided tours.

Holiday jobs that pay well

Some of the best seasonal jobs that pay well are roles that companies hire for when they anticipate an uptick in demand for their services. Pro tip: apply early. To land these jobs, start your search ahead of the season because most companies will want to have their workers in place when the season begins.

6. Retail associate

Holidays are busy for retail stores, whether in summer or winter. Retail shops usually hire extra hands for shelves to be well-stocked and sufficiently staffed during the gift-buying season. This seasonal holiday job doesn’t require much experience but may require additional hours leading up to big holidays. Plus, you might even qualify for employee perks like shopping discounts.

7. Personal shopper

Like working as a retail associate, being a personal shopper involves helping people fulfill their holiday shopping lists. However, this entails working more closely with customers. You can check out opportunities at big retail stores to help people find the perfect gifts for their loved ones. It can be a fun holiday job, especially if you enjoy shopping.

8. Wedding videography/photography

Wedding season is full of opportunities if you have relevant skills. From wedding planning and hosting to video and photo coverage, you can explore various side gigs by offering these services.

9. Customer service representative

Peak seasons for sales mean that there is a higher demand for assisting customers. You can explore opportunities to become a customer service representative and help customers resolve their concerns via phone call, chat, or in person.

10. Social media marketer

If you’re social media-savvy, a cool temporary seasonal job you can try your hand at is social media marketing. This involves running brands’ social media accounts and promotions, which are commonly doubled down on during peak seasons.

Other seasonal jobs to try

There are good seasonal jobs that you can explore throughout the year. While they may not always involve peak holiday seasons, these gigs can make great temporary sources of income. Some other seasonal job ideas are:

11. Spring cleaning

Many households go through the ritual of spring cleaning every year, and some appreciate an extra pair of hands—it is one of the best spring side hustles you can explore. While cleaning isn’t for everybody, it can be a quick way to earn extra income if you don’t mind handling mess and clutter.

12. Repair work

If you’re a handyman, repair work and other odd jobs are also quick ways to start earning. You can service anything from air conditioning repair to window and door installation. Depending on the season, you may also offer services like pool cleaning in the summer and winter jobs like snow plowing and removal.

13. Cooking

Culinary skills are useful for any season—you can provide catering services to any gathering. Whether making a birthday or wedding cake or even creating a seasonal meal plan, you’ll find demand for food for any occasion.

14. Landscaping

Landscape maintenance is another seasonal job, with demand dying down in colder months. If you’re handy at gardening, yard work, and design and architecture, this is a great side gig during spring and warmer months.

15. Pet care

Pet care sees much demand throughout the year, with pet owners needing petsitting or grooming services. It can make for a fun summer side hustle, however, if you have extra time on your hands and are fond of animals. You can also try dog walking, training, and transport.

Sign up as a Tasker & find seasonal jobs near you

Whether you’re looking for quick holiday help jobs or high-paying seasonal jobs, you’ll likely find something for you on Airtasker. Register as a Tasker today.

FAQs on seasonal jobs

What is the highest-paying seasonal job?

This largely depends on the season. However, jobs you can do right around the holidays are the highest-paying seasonal jobs—i.e. delivery drivers, personal shoppers, and customer service representatives.

Are seasonal jobs worth it?

Seasonal jobs are good ways to boost your earnings because you don’t need a long-term commitment. It is worth venturing into a seasonal job if you have the capacity and are looking for another income source.

How do I get a job working for the holidays?

The key to knowing how to find seasonal jobs is timing. It’s best to begin your job search early—at least a month ahead of peak seasons when companies are likely looking to fill roles.

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