Categories: GardeningOther GB

Indoor gardening ideas

Indoor gardening is a great way to add style and a sense of tranquillity to your home. Having plants indoors not only brings a room to life; it helps with air quality and also contributes to improving mental health.

Here are some beautiful indoor gardening ideas to try at home, in the office, or even in the little cafe you’ve been dreaming of opening.

Source: woo home


Terrariums are gorgeous placed on a table or hanging from the ceiling (and they make great gifts)!  The word ‘terrarium’ is used to describe a miniature garden in a container, often made of glass and usually sealed, but can also refer to open-air containers.  They can be soil based, soil-free, sand-based or water-based.

Source: Etsy

You can purchase pre-established terrariums from garden centers, gift shops and online, or you can enjoy making your own. Get creative and try using random glass objects, such as a light bulb, water jug, or fish bowl, and fill them with succulents, indoor ferns, air plants, moss and florals.

Source: Uncovet Blog

Vertical gardening

Bring your indoor area to life by installing a vertical garden. Vertical gardens are perfect for those homes with limited space. Often mounted or hanging, you can choose to utilise your vertical garden for purely aesthetic purposes or make it into your own little indoor herb or vegetable garden.

Living Walls

Living walls or green walls are the ‘next level’ in vertical gardening. You can create a fixed or moveable feature wall with tumbling greenery or brightly coloured flowering plants. Make it extra special by installing some downlights or water-proof fairy lights that you can switch on in the evening.

Depending on your design, to set up a living green wall, you might need a:

  • Free-standing or mountable structure
  • A layer of water-proofing (plastic) to protect the wall behind
  • A layer of fabric for your plants to grow on, and
  • A drip irrigation system with appropriate drainage.

Once you’ve got the structure sorted out, you can then select and install your plants.

Airtasker has some very talented gardening professionals available to help set your green wall up for you.

Source: studio m interior design

Suspended indoor gardening ideas

Suspended indoor gardens and upside-down gardens are stunning indoor gardening ideas that will make any space feel extravagant.  Imagine the serenity of having a rainforest canopy above your floating kitchen bench, or in the middle of your family room.

Source: Happy Interior Blog

Upcycled planters

Mason jars, glass jugs, light bulbs, old lanterns and vintage trunks are all perfect items to recycle and revitalise by using as a planter for your indoor garden. Hunt down inspiration on Pinterest and head to your local charity shop to find a bargain item in need of some upcycling love.

Source: Pinterest


Succulents do exceptionally well in most indoor gardening situations. They come in a wonderful variety of shapes, sizes, and colours and are generally readily available at gardening centers and nurseries.

Source: Stagetecture

Air plants

Tillandsia (a.k.a air plants) are the brown-thumb’s best friend; they need hardly any attention because they thrive on oxygen (over-watering will actually kill them). Place them in terrariums or on unique air plant holders.


Source: Idle Hands Awake

Love our indoor gardening ideas, or have a few ideas of your own you’d love to share with us?  Let us know in the comments below!

Looking for some help with your garden? Find trusted and local gardeners using Airtasker.

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