Categories: Tips AU

House painting hacks

Giving your home a fresh coat of paint can give it an instant facelift.
But let’s face it, it’s not exactly an easy task. With prep, painting and cleaning up – not to mention time-consuming, some extra tips and tricks can make it less painful.

Here are our house painting hacks to help you refresh your home:

1. Plan

As much as we wish it was as easy to pick a weekend, go to Bunnings, pick up some paint and it’s all done by the Sunday night… it’s often not as easy as that. But if you properly plan, you can get pretty close to it.

You need to plan:

  • What and how to cover furniture
  • When are you going to paint –  a long weekend will give you an extra day
  • What tools you need e.g. spray gun, brushes, rollers, sandpaper
  • Who’s going to help you? If you need an extra hand, get there are plenty of painting experts who can help.

2. Paint

What colour you choose is a big decision to make so it’s important to do your research, talk to your local paint shop and also get as many samples as you can.

Paint the samples on the wall in big swatches and also some closer to the carpet line, if you need it to match. Then leave it for a few days and see which one works for you.

3. Rollers

If you’re using a roller that you already have, make sure you wash it thoroughly. If it’s brand-new roll a lint roller over it before you start to get rid of all the fluff, which you don’t want in your paint.

4. Primers

If you are painting over previously painted walls, run a swab with some rubbing alcohol over your old-painted walls. If paint comes off, the surface is latex-based paint and if it doesn’t, it’s oil-based paint. This is important as oil-based paint needs a primer.

Speaking of primer, use one. It will make your paintwork look cleaner and last a lot longer.

5. Prepare

Hate cleaning up after painting? Then don’t. Line your paint tray with a glad wrap so you don’t have to wash it up after the painting is done.

You can buy drop sheets but save your money and use some old bed sheets that are taking up cupboard space.

6. Painting furniture

If you are painting chairs, lightly tap some nails into the legs of the chairs. Voila, you can now paint all over without leaving paint marks on the floor.

Same goes with bigger items; prop them up on blocks of wood to get optimum access with your paint brush.

Painting tips

When painting, run your roller in a ‘w’ shape like a zig-zag. This will give the best finish when dry. It will also help you to space out the paint by using long lines so that you don’t get any bubbles or dripping.

If you are painting on concrete, all you have to do it coat it with white vinegar and let that dry before painting over the top. This will prevent the paint from cracking.

External painting

If you are painting outside, consider hiring a spray-painting system. It will save you a lot of time and will give you an excellent finish. All you need to do is cross your fingers for great weather.

Painting hacks

Put Vaseline over screws, hinges, and windows so that paint won’t stick to it if you go over with your paintbrush.

Are the paint fumes a bit too much? Apparently, you can cut up some onions and leave them around the room to neutralise the smell. For a more pleasant smell, add an extract to your paint, such as peppermint or vanilla, and mix in as much as possible. This counteracts fumes and will leave your house smelling beautiful.

This article was written by Airtasker – Zoe T.

Got any other painting tips? Let us know in the comments below!

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