A white van parked on a street, with a person standing next to it, ready to load or unload items.
A white van parked on a street, with a person standing next to it, ready to load or unload items.

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  • Sugaring wax
  • Cold wax
  • Hot wax
  • Hard wax
  • … or anything else
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Why hire waxing specialists through Airtasker?

Waxing is a convenient way to get smooth, even skin since you only need appointments every 3-6 weeks. But, going to the waxing salon can be expensive and time-consuming, while waxing at home can be affordable but tricky. With Airtasker's waxing service, you can get the quality and professionalism of a salon wax, a convenient appointment in your own home, and a budget-friendly rate to boot!

To start, tap the "Post a task" button and fill out the form. Include your location, desired appointment date, budget, and the areas you want to get waxed. If you have a preference, such as sugar waxing, be sure to include that in the form as well. Then, tap "Get quotes" and wait for offers from waxing specialists near you.

You can view their rates and customer reviews, then pick the offer that best fits your needs. Once you've chosen a Tasker, tap to confirm your appointment. And that's it! With Airtasker, waxing appointments can be easy, convenient, and affordable too.

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Top Waxing related questions

Combine 1 cup of sugar, â…› cup of lemon juice, and â…› cup of warm water in a medium-sized pot. Turn the heat up high and bring the mixture to a boil. Stir frequently and be careful not to burn it. Reduce the heat to medium, then to low once it starts to bubble. Remove the pot from the heat. Stir until the wax is golden and syrup-like. Pour the sugar wax into a jar and wait until it's cool.

You can find waxing services and sugar waxing services near you on Airtasker! It's better than going to a typical waxing salon since the specialist will go to your location instead. Plus, it only takes a few minutes to request a Tasker who can tailor-fit their offer to your needs. Waxing is just one of the many services that Airtasker can provide. Feel free to check out our other offerings, such as Photography and Event Preparation.

It depends on the surface that the wax is on. For carpeting or fabric, you'll need to put a paper bag on top of the affected area, heat it with an iron or hair dryer, then transfer the wax onto the bag. For hard surfaces, run an ice cube over the wax until it's hard, then scrape it off. If these tips don't work for you, consider booking a cleaning service through Airtasker.

Full body wax usually lasts three to six weeks, though regrowth depends on the area of your body, your hair growth rate, and the quality of the service. If it's time to touch up your waxed areas, consider a more convenient alternative to waxing salons near you. With Airtasker, you can get full body waxing at home! Our specialists are rated and reviewed, plus their offers may be more affordable than a typical salon's.  

What does a waxing service include?

Waxing specialists provide all the services you'd expect at a typical waxing salon, with the added bonus of having the appointment done at home. This is great for those who are too busy to go to a wax centre, those who want something a little more private than waiting in line at the salon, and people who want to level up from their DIY home waxing sessions. 


Though the details may vary depending on the Tasker you hire, you can expect the following when you request a waxing service on Airtasker:


Waxing supplies 

Your Tasker arrives with their own set of waxing supplies. This includes wax strips, applicators, powder or oil, aloe vera-based gel, and hot wax or sugar wax. While you can certainly buy your own waxing supplies and ask your Tasker to use them, some waxing specialists may prefer to work with their own kit. 


Preparing for your appointment

Whether or not this is your first time getting waxed, it helps to be reminded of the proper preparation for your appointment. This includes:

  • Making sure your hair is at least ½ inch long

  • Avoiding booking appointments during your period (your pain threshold is lower at this time of the month)

  • Mentioning any existing skin conditions to your Tasker (from moles to sunburn)

  • Taking over-the-counter pain medication on the day of your appointment


Facial waxing near you

Your Tasker can remove hair from areas like your cheeks, chin, ears, eyebrows, lips, neck, or sideburns. You can even opt for full-face waxing. Your waxing specialist may advise you to exfoliate your skin 1-2 days before your appointment to remove any ingrown hairs and to improve waxing results. 


Body waxing near you

Waxing specialists can remove the skin from your shoulders, chest, arms, underarms, hands, stomach, back, legs, and toes. Rates will vary based on how much area you want to be covered - for example, leg waxing can be customised to the lower leg, upper leg, or full leg (from thighs all the way to the feet). 


Bikini waxing near you

Choose from bikini line, Brazilian, French (landing strip) or a full treatment. Your Tasker may even allow you to customise your treatment based on your preferences. 


Male waxing near you

Airtasker can also help you find waxing specialists who specialise in male waxing (aka men's waxing, manzilians, or 'Brozilians'). While the typical male waxing service involves total hair removal, you can customise this based on your needs, too. 


Waxing aftercare

Once your session is done, your Tasker will instruct you on proper waxing aftercare, such as hydrocortisone creams, wearing loose-fitting clothing, and avoiding hot showers. Feel free to ask them for aftercare recommendations that can soothe your skin. 


Waxing is just one of the kinds of beauty and grooming treatments that Airtasker has to offer. Feel free to check out our other beauty, makeup, and pet grooming services - they may be what you need to help you get more done!

Recent Waxing tasks

Body waxing and hair removal


Stradbrook, Dublin

15th May 2024

Looking for leg and bikini waxing